Site-card - a small mini site, usually consisting of 4-6 pages containing basic information about your company, products or services, price lists, contact information and feedback form.
Online Business Card is ideal for entrepreneurs and small businesses.
He briefly but effectively represent you or your company, product or service on the Internet. Production of a small website will take a few days (1 to 3) and includes domain name registration, a seat server hosting, development of the original design according to your requirements and installation of content management system (the CMS), as well as brief instructions for your site management.
In the future you will be able to add new pages, edit existing ones, or to order the support site.
The structure of the tariff plan "Business site" includes:
Domain name registration;
Providing space on the host server;
The original design;
Nesting (W3C standards are met, the site will be displayed the same way in all browsers - Cross-browser compatibility);
Installing and configuring the control system