Tariff package" LEADER " - this is an opportunity to fully present the company on the Internet. The site allows the visitor to get all necessary information about the company, its activities, its products and much more.
With the appropriate services, the site visitor can easily find the information on the site, place an order, leave your comments and suggestions.
At the request of the customer, based on the package "LEADER" possible creation of an electronic trading platform, designed not only to serve the end customers of the company, but also to conduct operations with retail chains and wholesalers, offline obschen6iya visitors and your regular customers among themselves and to provide you technical poderzhkoy its clients and customers.
The package "LEADER" is included:
Domain name registration;
Provide space on the host server - at least 1 GB;
Creative design in the corporate style (you can use Flash animation);
Layout (complied with standards W3C , the site will be displayed the same way in all browsers - Cross-browser compatibility) ;
Install and configure content management system Joomla 3.5, Drupal, Wordprss (In total, we offer a whiter twenty CMS of your choice;
Unlimited number of data pages;
Maximum total presentation of products or services;
Advanced catalog products with order form;
component VirtuaMart 3.x, Joomshopping, Ubercart, WooCommerce (setting all program elements) + Fill up to 20 headings;
Support module electronic system WebMoney;
Standard modules VirtuaMart or Joomshopping ;
Photo Gallery for an unlimited number of photo files;
Site Map;
Polls indefinitely;
Complete information with the feedback form;
The three language versions of the site (Customer's choice);
Extended showgirl poseschyaemosti (country, region, city, IP, browser type, the search engine or the website from which the visitor has come);
Not limited Number of mailboxes type @;
Create icons favicon (instead of the standard icon will display your logo:
Documents to manage the site and a free consultation by phone, icq, e-mail.
Term (1-2 months)
The cost of the standard configuration of the tariff package "LEADER" - 400 cu